Thursday, February 18, 2010

Eating a Cupcake

Did you know that there are many different ways to eat a cupcake and that the way you do says a lot about your personality type? For example, there are those of you who will set their cupcake on a paper plate, peel off one side of the paper cup, cut the cupcake with a knife, pick up the cut piece of cupcake with your fork and eat it. You will repeat these steps until your cupcake is all eaten. You would be the same people who has every hair on their head in place, your clothes without a single wrinkle, your pantyhose will never get a run in them. You are so perfect that your presence makes me feel like a slob no matter how well dressed I thought I was. You are also the type who will only eat a vanilla cupcake.

Let's examine some other personality types defined by the way you eat a cupcake:

THE "LICK OFF THE FROSTING FIRST" TYPE - You are the get-up-and-go kind of person. You just don't have the time to sit around and wait. You see a good thing and you go for it, because if you don't, you aren't sure when the next opportunity will present itself. In your hurry to seize the day, you sometimes end up with frosting on your nose.

THE "FROM THE BOTTOM UP" TYPE - You like to save the best for last. You are patient, you persevere and you endure so much, knowing that at the end of it all the prize will be SO worth it. However you sometimes realize that the prize didn't really live up to your expectations. After eating all that cake, the frosting was just too sweet, or not sweet enough.

THE "GET RID OF HALF THE FROSTING BEFORE I EAT IT" TYPE - You believe in moderation. You cannot understand how people can enjoy so much frosting that sets your teeth on edge! If it were up to you, the frosting they typically put on one cupcake would frost two. Lighten up, a little extra frosting never killed anybody!

THE "EAT IT SIDEWAYS" TYPE - You think outside the box. You know what you want and you will do whatever it takes to achieve it, no matter what anyone thinks. You peel off the paper cup, hold the cupcake straight, tilt your head to the side and take a bite. That way you can make sure you get a piece of cupcake and frosting with every bite. I have just one thing to say to you: "Watch yourself in the mirror while you eat a cupcake and you will see how stupid you look doing that." But what do you care? Social graces don't mean anything to you as long as you get to enjoy your cupcake the way you like it. Good for you, but seriously....people are beginning to stare!

THE "I ONLY WANT HALF A CUPCAKE" TYPE - You watch what you eat. You make sure never to overdo it. But you also want everyone else to know that you watch what you eat and that you never overdo it. You could have picked a smaller cupcake. But if you did, you wouldn't be able to announce it to everyone that you only want half.

THE "MINI CUPCAKE SELECTOR" TYPE - You also watch what you eat, but you don't make a huge deal of it. If you've eaten more than you should have earlier in the day, you may even decide to forgo the cupcake, but you will make sure nobody knows. You are the kind of person I would like to be. If they happen to notice, some people may still hate you though. But remember, the problem isn't you - it's them

THE "WHO CARES HOW I EAT MY CUPCAKE? THEY'RE GOOD" TYPE - You enjoy life to the fullest, and don't let anything get in the way. You embrace life with both arms, you will try anything. You don't just settle for safe flavors like vanilla and chocolate, you will try the Guinness Cupcake with Kahlua frosting. You may even come up with your own flavors. You sometimes end up with frosting on your face and cupcake crumbs on your shirt, but you don't care.

THE "I HATE CUPCAKES AND YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME EATING ONE EVER" TYPE - You march to the beat of your own drum. That is, until they take your drum away and then you are not sure what to do. Part of you wants to cave because somewhere in the back of your mind you realize that you may be missing on something fun and good. The other part of you is fighting the urge to succumb because then you would have become victim to what you perceived was a passing fad. It's okay, give in to something different and new. How do you know that you hate something if you haven't tried it?

So, how do you eat a cupcake?

Before I tell you how I do, let me just say that the above is not based on any scientific study, but merely a collection of my random thoughts. It is not intended to hurt or offend anyone. But if the shoe fits.....That being said, I used to be the
"I hate cupcakes and you'll never see me eating one ever" type. I am very glad to say that I stepped outside my comfort zone and am now the "eat it sideways" type.



Anonymous said...

Funny observation- I'm the eat it sideways type and was glad to know by the end of the post that you are too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Suz! I was excited not to see my cupcake eating style on there. Let's call it "The Sandwich". Most cupcakes have too much frosting so I take a little off, I pull apart the top from the bottom, turn the bottom over on the top, and enjoy! :)))

I don't people eat that way, but it's great and I've turned a couple people on to it.


suz616 said...

Anonymous reader, thank you for posting! I'm psyched that ANYONE is reading this.

Suganthi, what an original way to eat a cupcake - "The Sandwich". I would classify you as the innovator, someone with fresh new ideas and frosting oozing from the middle :-)

MyBecca said...

I saw something interesting the other day. Someone broke off the bottom half of the cupcake and put it on top of the frosting and made a frosting filled cupcake! LOL!

MyBecca said...

Oh, I didn't see anonymous' comment. oh well, gmta! LOL!